2020年11月14日・15日、東京都世田谷区のシアタートラム(https://setagaya-pt.jp/about/facilities/theatre_tram.html)にて「四時の歌 秋編」の公演を開催致しました。
《 公演内容 》
Unlike Sound Production 代表の平原慎士が企画演出・作曲・演奏を手掛けました。
「UNT JAZZ Quartet」によるオリジナル楽曲の生演奏と、草月流の家元を支えるスタッフで結成された「座・草月」によるいけばなパフォーマンス、そして音楽に反応してテクノロジーで生み出される映像。その3つの要素からなる独創的な世界を繰り広げます。
On November 14th and 15th, 2020, we held the performance of “Four Season`s Songs”- Autumn Edition” at Theatre Tram in Setagaya Ward, Tokyo (https://setagaya-pt.jp/about/facilities/theatre_tram.html) as part of the 6th Setagaya Art Award ” Hisho” Music Division.
The performance was planned, directed, composed, and performed by Shinji Hirabaru, the representative of UnLike Sound Production. It featured live performances of original music by the “UNT JAZZ Quartet,” ikebana (flower arrangement) performances by “Za Sougetsu,” a group consisting of staff supporting the headmaster of the Sogetsu School, and visual imagery created through technology in response to the music. It unfolded a unique world composed of these three elements.
For more details, please visit: https://www.setagayamusic-pd.com/event/3054.html#sougetsu