平原慎士が代表を務めるUnLike Sound Productionは2023年10月11日に「株式会社アンライク」(英名UnLike)として法人化いたしました。「音楽であらゆる孤立をなくす」という理念のもと、これまでの音楽制作をさらに発展させて参ります。
株式会社アンライク 代表取締役 平原慎士
UnLike Sound Production, led by Shinji Hirabaru , was incorporated as UnLike on October 11, 2023. Under the philosophy of “eradicating isolation through music,” we aim to further advance our music production.
Currently, various projects are underway, including song-writing, concert performances, sound designs, and spatial audio designs. In each production, we blend both traditional and innovative methods. Additionally, we are concurrently engaged in collaborative projects with other companies, and we will soon announce further infomation.
We express our sincere gratitude for your support as we embark on this journey of incorporation. Thank you.
Shinji Hirabaru CEO, UnLike.